Join the International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Materials Development 2023

The world faces a critical need for sustainable solutions to the pressing challenges of our time. From climate change and environmental degradation to social and economic inequalities, the need for sustainable engineering and materials development has never been greater. The International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Materials Development is a platform for leading experts to share their research, innovations, and ideas in creating a sustainable future.

The conference, taking place between May 28 - 31, 2023, provides a unique opportunity for researchers, academics, postgraduate students, and industry professionals to connect and exchange ideas on the latest developments in sustainable engineering and materials development. The conference will feature keynote speakers, technical sessions, poster presentations, and networking opportunities to learn from and engage with professionals in the field.

Accepted and presented papers at the conference will be published in the Conference proceedings of Key Engineering Materials / Materials Science Forum, which is Scopus Indexed and a special issue of Fuel Communications, which is an Elsevier journal. This provides an excellent opportunity for participants to showcase their research and have it published in leading industry journals.

The conference will cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Sustainable manufacturing
  • Sustainable building materials
  • Renewable energy sources
  • Eco-friendly packaging materials
  • Sustainable water and waste management
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Sustainable transportation

The conference will also provide a platform for interdisciplinary research and collaboration, with the aim of fostering new partnerships and innovative solutions to global challenges.

The International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Materials Development is an opportunity to be part of shaping the future of sustainable engineering and materials development. By joining the conference, participants can learn from leading experts, present their research, and connect with professionals in the field. Register now at to be part of this exciting event and contribute to creating a sustainable future for generations to come.

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