ICSEMD 2023 Key note speaker

Israel Dunmade .
Name: Israel Dunmade, PhD, P.Eng, PMP, EP
Current Position: Professor (Sustainable Engineering) and Carnegie Fellow
Earth and Environmental Science Department
Institution: Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB Canada

Speech Title

Sustainable Engineering Potentials: An Outlook on the Trends and Opportunities


All living things on Earth depends on the environment and the natural resources that come from it. All resources needed for the survival and comfort of humankind both now and in the future are derivable from the Earth. However, these resources need to be harnessed and managed in a way that ensures their continuous availability now and in the future in sufficient quantity and quality. Sustainable engineering is that discipline that focuses on designing and operating systems that optimizes the use of resources in such a way that assures their continuous availability both now and in the future without degrading the environment from which the resources are derived. This paper reviewed what sustainable engineering is, its scope, its history, its relationship with other engineering disciplines, its role in attaining sustainable development, and the perceived future trajectory. The paper provides readers with information on future opportunities in sustainable engineering, potential challenges, and how it can be surmounted. The academic communities, professionals, and policy makers would find the information insightful on the areas of possible involvement and provoke stakeholders to actions in building a sustainable future for our world.
Keywords: engineering sustainability, environment, sustainability


Israel Dunmade is a Professor of Sustainable Engineering in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada. He had his bachelor degree in Agricultural Engineering, masters degree in Mechanical Engineering, and doctoral degree in Environmental and Process Engineering with specialisation in Industrial Sustainability. His research areas include sustainable infrastructure, sustainable design, sustainable manufacturing, lifecycle analysis, and circular economy. He was a former Alberta Regional Director/Council member of the Canadian Society for Bioengineering (CSBE), and a member of the Board of Directors of Canadian Society for Bioengineering Foundation.
Furthermore, Dr. Dunmade was a DAAD scholar, Carnegie Fellow, Past President of the African Network of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and former Chair of International Affairs Division of the American Society for Agricultural and Biological Engineers. He is a recipient of several research grants and awards of recognition. Prof. Dunmade is a Professional Engineer, Project Management Professional and Environmental Professional. He has published two books, book chapters, and authored/co-authored several peer reviewed publications and conference presentations. He is currently leading the publication of an edited book on sustainable engineering concept and practices. His extracurricular activities include reading and playing board games.

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